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Grin and Barre It

Did you know that when you smile, you literally trick your brain into thinking you’re happy?

Forcing myself to smile — even when I may not feel like it — is a trick I’ve used as long as I can remember, and the science behind it is indisputable. When you smile, the muscles in your face communicate with your brain to release feel-good neurotransmitters — dopamine, endorphins and serotonin. Simply moving your face muscles can actually make you start to feel better.

I’ve utilized moving my face to make me feel happier for ages, but only recently have I embraced how well that trick works with my entire body.

Much like flashing a smile, breaking a sweat is good not only for your body, but for your mind as well. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins that trigger your brain to release those feel-good neurotransmitters, making you feel great.

In my own life, I’ve discovered I’m faster, more productive, and far more positive when I’m working out regularly. Like everyone, I’d love to have a “bikini body,” but in my 30’s, I’ve learned to embrace that my ultimate #beachbody is whatever I take to the beach to have an amazing time. Of course, I still worry about inches and would love to lose my muffin top, so I’m also excited about the upcoming 6-week #summerbod challenge at BARREbeat. BARREbeat’s last challenge fused the best of working out with accountability, motivation, and what literally became a tribal force for good to move!

I’ve committed to working out not only because I want a toned summer body, but more importantly because of the overall impact it’s had on my overall long-term health, well-being and everyday quality of life. Those are benefits that far exceed a dress size.
But I’ve also noticed that while I’m focused on working out for a healthy mind, my body ultimately ends up reaping all the benefits.

It can be hard to get unstuck from a rut — which is why keeping your body in motion is a must.

BARREbeat is a place to create healthy habits with old friends and find your tribe by forging new friendships. Studies have shown that spending time with friends is another activity that is incredibly beneficial for our brains. It releases oxytocin in response to touch and conversation.

If you’re not into the science, I get it. All you have to do is try it out for yourself, reaping the benefits and enjoying the rewards. Our reasons for working out often vary, but one of my favorite things about barre is that while it’s incredibly fun, it’s also unbelievably effective.

Fachon Jones is a first-time mom to 15-month-old son Dominic. She calls BARREbeat
an important part of her self-care routine that helps her release frustration and stay

“When I work out, it helps me give my family the best version of me. It also doesn’t hurt that it makes you look good!” says Jones.

As a brand new mom, like so many of us, Jones experienced #momguilt leaving her baby behind and would only squeeze in occasional workouts before rushing home to baby Dominic.

“I felt guilty and would only take about an hour to myself only to workout and get right back to him. I started to feel depressed and I was turning into a major introvert (not in a good way). I wouldn’t let anyone watch him or take him out because I was too tired and I felt it was too much trouble. Also, because he is so much more active, I noticed I would run out of fuel pretty early in the week.”

Now, things have changed. Jones says she takes at least 2 days a week to do the things she enjoys, like launching her own business and working out, and it makes her life better in every way.

Her advice for others struggling to get motivated and started on a routine?

“I would advise other first time mothers to take your time and get used to being a mom, be in tune with how you feel. Then get into a routine every morning that includes an activity with you and baby. Even if you’re too tired, GET OUT OF BED! EARLY! And please, please, accept help! Even though you know what’s best for baby, he needs a break from you; and you need a break from you! Slowly but surely, you will become yourself again!”

Jones has fallen in love with BARREbeat and says there’s something about dancing your heart out that just makes you a better person. I agree! Try out the 6-week challenge. You’ll be glad you did.

This is your happy brain on Barre.

6 Weeks to a Summer Bod Challenge!!

It is never too late to take steps towards a happier, healthier you!!

During this challenge:

  • Contestants will get their measurements taken every Monday starting April 15th
    (Optional weigh-ins on Monday)
  • Winner for Grand Prize is a percentage of most inches lost
  • Each week will kick off with a theme event all around building healthy habits,
    along with a recommended meal plan, recommended class attendance, bonus
    activities conducted both in the studio and out of the studio, and themed friday
    night happy hour classes
  • On top of all this, we will have weekly challenges with additional bonus prizes at
    the end of each week.

If you aren’t a BARREbeat member, but would like to participate in the 6
weeks challenge, we are offering a NEW CLIENT special…. 6 weeks of unlimited classes for $79!